About Us

Roche's Chemist - Online Pharmacy

Shop from a Registered Pharmacy


Normal Opening Hours

 Monday  9am to 6.00pm
 Tuesday  9am to 6.00pm
 Wednesday  9am to 6.00pm
 Thursday  9am to 6.00pm
 Friday  9am to 6.00pm
 Saturday  10am to 2.00pm
 Sunday  Closed

We do not close for lunch.

The Pharmacy is owned by Niall Roche MPSI and has been trading since 1997 although there has been a pharmacy on this premises since 1950. 



 At www.rocheschemist.ie you can shop with confidence from a registered Irish Pharmacy, regulated by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland.

As a registered pharmacy, we are regularly inspected to ensure that we comply with the standards laid down by the PSI, The Pharmacy Regulator.

We are obliged by law to display the European Pharmacy Logo for the country in which we operate. ie. Ireland.
The logo links to the website of the national competent authority listing all legally operating online pharmacies/retailers. For us here in Ireland, this is the 'Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland' . National websites are listed with the European Medicines Agency. By simply clicking on the logo a purchaser of the medicines online will be sent to the entry of the pharmacy on that national list, thus completing the verification process.

The logo can be trusted only if a purchaser, after clicking, is redirected to the entry of that pharmacy on the list of legally operating on-line pharmacies and retailers registered in that Member State on the national authority web-page.

Our Business address is :
Roche's Chemist ,
34, Vevay Road,
Co Wicklow, A98D9X2,
Republic of Ireland.

And our contact email address is : info@rocheschemist.ie

Directions to the Pharmacy: 

The easiest route is to take the M50 Southbound until it becomes the N11 and then exit the N11 at Junction 7 - The Kilcroney exit at the southern  ( Nearer to Greystones) end of Bray

On leaving the N11, take the 3rd exit at the first roundabout onto the Southern Cross Road, straight through the first two roundabouts and then left at the third roundabout on to Vevay Road.

Continue straight  through a mini roundabout and a set of traffic lights and the Pharmacy is about 400m further, on the left hand side, very close to Kates Corner Centra.


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